Sunday, April 16, 2017


Prophet Ibrahim was the son of Aaazar {Tarih} bin Tahur bin Saruj bin Rau 'bin Falij bin Aaabir bin Shialih bin Arfakhsyad bin Saam bin Noah A.S.Ia was born in a place Named "Faddam A'ram" in the "Babylon" kingdom at that time was ruled by A king named "Namrud bin Kan'aan."The Babylon kingdom at that time included a prosperous empire of the people living a happy life,Prosperous in all-sufficient circumstances, clothing and views as well Saranan that is the need for physical growth mrk.Akan however The spiritual level of they is still at the level of ignorance. They do not know God The creator of who has honored with all the pleasures and Worldly happiness. Offering mrk are the statues that mrk chisel own From stones or made of mud and soil. Their king Namrud bin Kan'aan runs the reins of his government by hand Iron and absolute power. All his will must be done and all His orders are laws that can not be broken or bargained. The great power in his hands and the luxuries of life The more he enjoys makes him dissatisfied with it His position as king. He feels himself worthy of being worshiped by his people As a god. He thinks if the people are willing and willing to worship the statues Which is constructed from a stone that can not benefit and keep happiness For them, why not he who is worshiped as a god. He who can speak, Can hear, can think, can lead mrk, bring prosperity to mrk And let go of misery and tribulation. He is the one who can change people The poor became rich and the despicable man he lifted up to be a noble man. In Besides all of them, he is king in power and has a great country
And spacious.

In the midst of society so badly born and raised the Prophet Ibrahim from a father who works as a sculptor and sculptor. He As calun Rasul and messenger of God who will bring the lamp of truth to His people, far-inspired sense of mind and the sharp mind and the consciousness that What his people have done, including his own father, has done Pervert that signifies the **** an and kecetekan mind and that offerings His people to the statues are the unjust acts that must be served And fought to return to the true offering is the offering To God Almighty, God the creator of this universe. During his adolescence Prophet Ibrahim often told his father around the city peddle The figurines he made but by the faith and monotheism that had been inspired by God to him he was not eager to peddle the brg-brg it even on Mocking he offers his father's statues to the buyer calun with he words: "Who will buy these useless statues? "Prophet Ibrahim Want to See How the Being Has Been Death Revived By God Prophet Ibrahim who was determined to fight against shirk and The idolatry that prevailed in the society of his people wanted first Thickening his faith and conviction, reassuring His heart and cleanse of doubt that may be intermittently annoying His mind by asking God to show him how He revived the dead creatures. Hasted him to God: "O my Lord! Show me how you bring life The dead creatures. "God answers his call with Say: Do not you believe and believe in my power? "Prophet Ibrahim replied: "Yes, O my Lord, I have believed and believed in You And unto thy power, yet I long to see it with my head Myself, that I may have peace and tranquility and my heart and be more Become thick and firm in my belief in You and Your power. "Allah permitted the request of Abraham and commanded him to arrest him Four birds ago after watching and examining the body parts The bird, cut it to pieces mixing later The body of a broken, mixed-up bird is placed on top The top of every hill of four hills that lie far from each other.

Having done what God hinted, he commanded the Prophet Ibrahim called the birds that had been torn apart and separated Far away each part of the bird's body from the other. By the permission of God and His power come fly the bird's tail An intact state of life as it once hears call and call The Prophet Ibrahim to him then came the four living birds back in In front of him, seen with his own eyes how God Almighty
The powerful can revive His dead being as He is Creating it from something that does not exist. And so what do we achieve Which the Prophet Ibrahim wanted to reassure his heart and remove There may be doubts in his faith and his conviction, that power and The will of God there is nothing in the heavens or the earth that can be obstructed or Against it and only the word "Kun" is spoken by Him then it will be What is desired "Fayakun". Prophet Ibrahim preaches to his biological father Aazar, the father of Prophet Abraham was no exception as his other folk, god And worshiping idols he is a merchant of statues made and Carved it himself and drpnya people buy the statues are made Offerings. Prophet Ibrahim felt that the first obligation he had to do before Preaching to others is to circulate his real father who was Closest to him that his beliefs and offerings were to idols It is a misguided act and **** He feels that devotion to
His father obliged him to enlighten him to let go That misguided belief and follow it to believe in Allah the Almighty Power. With a polite and decent attitude that should be demonstrated by a child Against his parents and with subtle words he dapg his father Convey that he was revealed by God as a prophet and an apostle and that he Has been inspired by the knowledge and knowledge that his father did not possess. He Asked his father gently if what pushed him To worship idols like others his people when he knows that The idols are useless and inconceivable Worshipers or prevent loss or calamity. Also explained to His father that the worship of the idols is solely the doctrine Shaitan who had been an enemy to humans since Adam was descended to earth again. He cried out to his father to ponder and think of counsel and His invitation turned away from idols and returned to worship to a God who Creating human beings and all created beings giving mrk sustenance and Enjoyment of life and empower the earth with all its contents to man. Aazar turned red and glared at his words The son of Prophet Ibrahim whom he responded to as sin and the unworthy That his son had dared to criticize and insult his father's belief even Invites him to abandon that trust and embrace trust and The religion he carries. He does not hide his wrath and anger but Expressed in harsh words and in hysteria as if not There is a hunbungan between them. He said to Abraham in anger: "O Ibrahim, are you turning away from my belief and worship? What belief do you give me that advocates for me Follow it? Do not arouse my anger and try
Mendurhakaiku.Jika you do not stop your deviation from religion Your father you do not stop your efforts blasted and soured And I am coming out of my house. I'm not willing to mix With you in a house under a roof. Get out of my face Before I strike you with stones and harm you. "Prophet Ibrahim received his father's anger, his expulsion and his harsh words With a calm, normal attitude as a child against seray's father: "Oh my father! May you be saved, I will still ask forgiveness for you from Allah and Will leave you with offerings other than to God. Hopefully I did Not to be a wretched and unfortunate man with my prayers for you. "Then come out Prophet Ibrahim left his father's house in a state of sadness and due care Not succeeded in raising his father from the valley of Shirk and kufr. Prophet Ibrahim Destroys the Idols The failure of Prophet Ibrahim in his attempt to circulate his lost father Very piercing his heart because he as a good son is eager to see His father was on the right path lifted from the valley of apostasy and shirk But he was aware that the guidance was in God's hands and how he wanted With all his heart so that his father Get directions, if not already desired by Allah then vain desires and efforts.
His father's rejection of his da'wah in a cruel and cruel way is not Whittily affect his resolve and weaken his zeal for Proceeded to enlighten his people to wipe away False offerings and beliefs Contrary to monotheism and faith in Allah and His Messenger Prophet Ibrahim did not stop at every opportunity to invite his people to dialogue And praised his beliefs and the teachings he brought. And It turns out that when mrk is not helpless to take a turn and refute the reasons And the arguments propounded by Prophet Ibrahim on the truth of his teaching and The unbelief of mrk then the argument and the obsolete reason that mrk Pointed out that mrk only continued what the fathers and grandmothers did Former mrk done and occasional mrk will not give up trust and Religion that has been inherited. Prophet Ibrahim pd ultimately feel no longer useful to argue and bermujadalah with Stone-headed people who do not want to receive information and evidence Manifestly put forward by him and always hold on to the only reason That mrk will not deviate from the way of the ancestor offering of mrk, though By Prophet Ibrahim stated many times that mrk and fathers mrk mistaken and lost Following the path of Shaytaan and the devil.

Prophet Ibrahim then designed will prove to his people by deeds The real thing that you can see with your own eyes that the idols And the mrk statues are really useless to mrk and can not even be Save himself. It is already a tradition and custom of Babylon's royalty that every Year mrk out of town rollicking at a feast that mrk consider as sacred. Day after day I stayed out of town in an open field, drove by Food and beverage supply sufficient. Mrk is enjoying and having fun Leaving empty and empty mrk cities. Mrk exclaimed and invited all The inhabitants to leave their homes and participate in peace-respect for the days The holy ones. Prophet Ibrahim, who was also invited to participate pretend to be sick and He was allowed to stay at home let alone mrk feel worried that the disease of Prophet Ibrahim The artificial will be contagious and spread among mrk when he participated. "This is the opportunity I look forward to," said the heart of Prophet Ibrahim when he saw the city Already empty of its inhabitants, silent silent not heard except the sound of the birds The chirping, the sound of the rustling leaves of the trees blown by the strong wind. With Carrying an ax in his hand he goes to the place of his people's worship Already left unattended, without a caretaker and just a row of statues Seen diserambi place of worship it. Pointing to the flower beds And the food that is on each foot of the statue says Prophet Ibrahim, mocking: "Why do not you eat the delicious food that is served for you? Please answer Me and say you. "Then it was kicked, slapped the statues and smashed into pieces With an ax in his hand. The big statue he left intact, no Disturbed which on the neck of the Prophet Abraham was axed it. Wondered and shocked by the villagers, when they came home from a great party outside the city and See the state of the statues, the gods mrk fall apart and become Scraps of scraps on the floor. Ask one another with Tone of wonder and amazement: "Whose movement has dared to do that act Evil and nasty to these gods of this offering? "Said one Between mrk: "It is possible that people are always making fun of and mocking Our offerings named Ibrahim are the ones that do the daring This. "Another person added to the statement by saying:" Even he is the one Do, because he is the only one who lives in the city when we all are Are outside celebrating the holy and sacred day. "Inquired had a search, finally got out There is no doubt that Abraham is destructive and Wipe out the statues. The townspeople talked about what happened Is considered an unforgivable event or contempt for trust And offerings mrk. An angry, annoyed and cursed voice was heard from all directions, Which requires that the offender be held accountable in an open court, Where all the inhabitants of the city can participate to watch it. And that's exactly what the Prophet Ibrahim hoped for his trial Openly where all citizens can witness it. Because In this way he can be covertly preaching against trust Mrk the false and perverted, while explaining the truth of religion and belief Which he brings, if among the present there is still to be expected open his heart For the faith of the monotheas he taught and preached.

The day of judgment is determined and the people come from all corners of the world Visiting the open fields provided for the trial. When Prophet Ibrahim came to the judges who would judge him was greeted by The audience with a cry of cursing and insult, signified very upset The idolaters against him who had dared to destroy the offerings of mrk. The Prophet Ibrahim was asked by the judges: "Do you do the destruction And corrupt our gods? "Calmly and coldly, Prophet Ibrahim Replied: "A large statue with an ax around his neck does. Cuba just ask the statues who destroyed it. "The judges The questioner paused while looking at one another and whispering, As if it were Abraham who had the mockery. Then said the judge: "You know that the statues can not talk and say why You asked us to ask him? "It was his time that was anticipated by Prophet Ibrahim, then as a response to that last question he made a speech Unfolding kebathilan offerings mrk, which mrk defend desperately, Solely simply because that custom is the inheritance of the ancestors. Said the Prophet Ibrahim To the judges: "If so, why do you worship the statues, Who can not say, can not see and can not hear, can not Bring benefits or refuse mudharat, can not even help himself from Destruction and destruction? What a **** you are with trust and Your offerings! Can not you think with a sensible sense that Your offering is a misconduct that is only understood by shaitan. Why do not you worship God who created you, created nature Round about you and authorize you on earth with all its contents and riches. How despicable are you with your offerings. "After the completion of the Prophet Ibrahim outlining his speech, the judges sparked The decision that Prophet Ibrahim should be burned alive as a reward over His deeds insult and destroy the gods mrk, then cried the para The judge to the people present witnessed the trial: "Burn it and buy it Your gods, if you are truly faithful to him.

"Prophet Ibrahim Burned Alive The court's decision has been dropped. Prophet Ibrahim should be punished by burning Alive in a great fire as big as the sin that has been done. Prepare for The burning ceremony to be witnessed by all the people is being regulated. Soil A field for burning is provided and a collection of firewood is held With the number of people in each gotong-royong take Partly brings as much wood as he can as a sign of devotion to The gods of the offerings of mrk which had been destroyed by Prophet Ibrahim. Crowded residents from all over the city carrying firewood as Donation and sign of devotion to god mrk. Among the women are pregnant And the sick person who brought his wood donation in hopes Getting barakah from their gods by curing their illness Or protect the pregnant at the time of her childbirth. After collecting firewood on the lan- mal provided for the burning ceremony And piled up and arranged laksan a hill, throngs of people came for Witnessed the execution of Prophet Ibrahim's punishment. The wood is then burned and Formed a powerful volcano that was flying on it falling Burning by the heat of the wap caused by the mounting fire. Then In a shackled state, the Prophet Ibrahim was disguised and from the top of a building which He throws into the pile of burning wood with the accompaniment The words of God: "O fire, be you cold and salvation to Abraham."Since the punishment decision was dropped until the moment he was thrown into that fire hill The Prophet Abraham remained calm and resigned by faith And his conviction that God would not willingly give up his messenger The food of fire and the sacrifice of the infidels of the enemies of God. And indeed So what happens when he is in the abdomen of a mighty hill of fire Feel cold in accordance with God's call His protector and only ropes and chains Who tied his burning arms and legs, and body and clothes Attached to his body remained intact, not the least bit touched by fire, which thing Is a miracle given by God to his chosen servant, the Prophet Ibrahim, in order to continue the transmission of the message assigned to him The lost servants of God.

The audiences of the burning ceremony were amazed when they saw Prophet Ibrahim Out of the already-extinguished fire hill and into the ashes safe, whole With his clothes fixed as usual, there was no sign of a touch of fire A little too. They are unraveling leaving the field in a state of hair as they go Wondering to ourselves and amongst each other how miraculous things are Applies, whereas according to their presumption the sin of Prophet Ibrahim is obviously disobedient The gods they worship and worship. There is some drp mrk in the heart Little began to doubt the truth of religion mrk but did not dare to give birth to taste Hesitant to others, while the leaders and the leaders of mrk feel Disappointed and ashamed, because of the punishment that crushed upon Prophet Ibrahim and The busyness of the people collecting firewood for weeks has ended With failure, so that mrk feel ashamed to Prophet Ibrahim and his followers. The miracle given by God s.w.t. To Prophet Ibrahim as proof of will The truth of his da'wah, has caused a shock in the belief sebahagian Residents of offerings and statues of mrk and open the eyes of many hearts Drp mrk to rethink the Prophet Ibrahim's call and his dakwah, not even Less drp mrk who want to declare his faith to Prophet Ibrahim, but worried will Got into trouble in his livelihood due to the anger and revenge of the people Leaders and dignitaries who may become lost when feeling That his influence had been transferred to the Prophet Ibrahim's side. 

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