Sunday, April 16, 2017


Noah was the fourth prophet after Adam, Syith and Idris and the ninth From the Prophet Adam. His father was Lamik bin Metusyalih bin Idris. Prophet Noah's Da'wah to His People Prophet Noah received the prophetic revelation from God in the "fatrah" period of the emptiness in Between two apostles in which human beings are usually gradually forgetting the doctrine The religion brought by the prophet who abandoned them and returned to the throne Abandoning the good deeds, performing munkar and disobedience below Leader of the Devil.
Thus the people of Noah did not escape the process, so when the Prophet Noah came in their midst, they were worshiping idols The statues made by their own hands were worshiped as Gods who can bring goodness and benefit and reject everything Misery and misfortune. The idols are deified and obedient Their beliefs have supernatural powers and powers upon the man Given the names of the alternating according to the will and the taste to Them.Sometimes they name their idols "Wadd" and "Suwa" Sometimes "Yaguts" and when it is tired replaced with the name "Yatuq" and "Nasr "Prophet Noah preaches to his people who have been lost by the devil, invites They left shirk and idolatry and returned to monotheism Worshiping God of God of nature doing revealed religious teachings To him as well as to abandon the ugliness and disobedience taught by Shaitan And the Devil.
Noah's prophecy drew the attention of his people to see the universe created by God is heaven with the sun, moon and stars adorning it, the earth With riches above and below, in the form of plants and water The flowing that gives the enjoyment of life to man, the nightly rejection Into day and vice versa that all of it becomes evident and a real sign of will The unity of God to be worshiped and not the idols that they are Create with their own hands. In addition, Noah also proclaim to Them that there will be a revelation that will be accepted by man for all his deeds
In the world is heaven for the practice of good and hell for all transgressions against Religious orders in the form of munkar and disobedience.

Noah's prophet who was pityed by Allah with the qualities that a prophet deserves, Fluent and assertive in his words, wise and patient in his acts Carry out his duties to his people patiently and Wisdom in a gentle way knocks on their conscience and sometimes When with sharp words and rough tones when facing His stubborn dignitaries who are reluctant to accept hujjah and The arguments presented to those whom they can not contradict or
Break it. But even though Noah had tried his best to preach da'wah His people with all wisdom, patience and patience and in each Opportunity, noon and night by whispering or way of light and Open only a very small number of his people who can accept his da'wah and Following his solicitation, which according to the interim history does not exceed a hundred Their people also consist of poor people with low social standing. While the rich, high-ranking and respected in society, Which are the great men and the rulers who keep defying, no
Believing Noah denied his preaching and occasionally did not let go Their religion and their belief in their idols, even those Trying to make a conspiracy to paralyze and dismiss Business propagation of the Prophet nuh.
Said them to Noah: "Are not you just a man than we are and No different drp us as ordinary people. If God will decide An apostle who carries his commandments, believes he will decide one An angel we should listen to his words and we follow his invitation instead Ordinary people like you can only be followed by people of low social standing Like the unpaid peasant farmers who are to us them Like the people's garbage. Your followers are the ones who do not Have the power of the mind and the sharpness of the brain, they follow you blindly deaf without
Think and consider carefully whether or not your da'wah and your call that. Cuba the religion you carry and the teachings you put on us That's really true, I believe we used to follow you instead of people Beg your followers. We as the community leaders who Clever to think, have the intelligence of the brain and the view of a broad and which is viewed Society as its leaders, it is not absolute we accept your invitation And dakwahmu.Yngkau do not have any advantages above us about the problem Societal and social life. We are much more clever and more aware of your drp About it's our idea of ​​you, it's none other than that, that You are a liar. " Noah said, answering the taunts and scorn of his people: "Do you think that I can force you to follow my teaching or think that I have
The power to make you believers if you continue to refuse Invite me and remain blind to the evidence of the truth of my da'wah and remain Defend your lost position inspired by pride and Arrogance because of the position and possessions you possess.

I am just a person The human being who commits the mandate and is assigned by God to deliver His message
to you. If you keep insisting and do not want to go back to that path True and accepting the religion of Allah which He has decided upon me then it is up to God to judge His judgment and His revelation upon you. I just His messengers and messengers are commanded to deliver his message to His servants. He is the one who has authority to give guidance to you and to forgive Or bring down His punishment and his counsel above you if He Kependaki.Dialah also the ruling down his danazab seksa in the world or Suspend it until the next day. He is God the creator of this universe, Maha Powerful, all-knowing, all-loving and Most Merciful. "
The Noah expressed the condition by saying: "O Noah! If you will We follow you and give support and encouragement to you and to religion Which thou hast brought, thy remnant thy followers of the peasants,
Laborers and hamaba-servant sahaya it. Get them out of your sight because we do not
Get along with them sitting side by side with them following a way of life Them and join them in a religion and belief. And How we can accept a religion that generalizes the nobles With the layman, the ruler and the ruler with his workers and the rich Who is based on the poor and the poor. "Noah refused to accept his people and said: "Risks and religions that I carry Is for everyone no exception, the clever nor the ****, the rich Even the poor, employers or laborers, among the rulers and ordinary people all Have the same position and place of religion and the law of God. If Said I fulfill your requirements and pass your desire to get rid of the people My faithful followers, then who can I hope to continue My preaching to the crowd and how I got my heart away drpku
Those who have believed and received my da'wah with full confidence and Sincerity when you reject it and deny it, those who have Help me in my duty when you block my efforts and block my da'wah.

And how can I be held accountable for my expulsion They against Allah if they complain that I have repaid loyalty and Their obedience by the contrary solely to fulfill your request and Subject to your unreasonable requirements and is not acceptable to reason and thought That is healthy. Truly you are the people who are **** and do not think sihat. In the end, feeling helpless again denied the truth of the words of the Prophet Noah and felt out of reason and hujjah to continue the dialogue with him, They said: "O Prophet Noah, we have much praise and debate
And enough dialogue and hear your dull preaching that. We remain Will not follow you and will not occasionally give up your beliefs and customs Us so that there is no point in you repeating your da'wah and invitation and
Hold tongue with us. Bring what you truly are Keeping his word and word. We want to see the truth of your words and Your threat in reality. Because we still do not trust you and remain Doubt your da'wah. "Prophet Noah Despair of His People Noah was in the midst of his people for nine hundred and fifty years Preach the message of God, invite them to leave Idolatry and return to worship and worship to Allah Almighty The power leads them out of the misguided and dark way to the right path and Light, teaching them the laws of shari'a and religion revealed by God
To him, to raise up the oppressed and weak humanity to the appropriate tingak By nature and qudratnya and trying to eliminate the properties of arrogant and bloated Which is attached to the dignitaries of his people and educates them to be affectionate, Help-help among fellow human beings. But in that long time, Noah's prophet did not succeed in circulating his people to follow and accept Dakwahnya believe, bertauhid and worship to Allah except a small group His people who did not reach as many as a hundred men, even though he had done His duties with all his might and power with patience And difficulty facing contempt, ridicule and insults of his people, because he
Expecting his time will be where his people will be conscious themselves and came admit  The truth and the truth of his preaching. Noah's hope will be the consciousness of his people It turns less and less and that the rays of faith and piety will not Redeeming into the hearts of those who have been sealed by the doctrine and the promptings of Satan. Where the Prophet Noah was in the form of saying the meaning of Allah: "Surely there will not be a drp of his people following you and having faith except them Who have followed you and have faith first, then do not grieveBecause of what they do. "With the affirmation of God's word, the hope of Noah was lost from his people and, His patience was over. He begged God to lower His Azab above And his fellow-headed men, saying, "O Allah!

Even the unbelievers live and live on this earth. They will try Mislead Your servants, if You let them stay and they do not Will give birth and take down other than children who commit immorality and children Who are infidels like theirs. "The prayer of Noah was infallible by Allah and his petition was granted and no longer necessary
Ignoring and questioning his people, for they will be punished God by drowning. Noah made the boat After receiving the command of God to make a ship, Immediately the Prophet Noah Gather his followers and start them gathering the necessary For that purpose, then by taking the place outside and somewhat away from Cities and their crowds with diligent and diligent work day and night Completed the guidance of the ship that was ordered.
Although Prophet Noah has steered clear of the city and its people, to be able to work with Quiet without interruption to complete the coaching of his ship but he did not escape from Ridicule and nuisance of his people who happened to or deliberately through the workplace to foster The ship. They taunted and mocked by saying: "Oh Noah! Since when You have become a carpenter and shipbuilder? Are not you a prophet and Apostle according to your confession, why now become a carpenter and maker Ship. And the ship that you made it in a place far from this water is your point To be pulled by a buffalo or expect the wind to pull your ship to Sea? "And other words of mockery received by Noah with a cold attitude and Smiling as he replied: "Well just wait time later, if you are mocking And make fun of us then it will be our bg time to mock you And will you know later for what ship we prepared this. Wait for that time The punishment and punishment of God strikes upon you. "After completion of shipbuilding work which is a sea transport tool First in the world, Noah received a revelation from God: "Get ready with you Your ship, when my command comes and my signs are visible, then take it immediately
Be with you in your ship and your kin and bring two pairs of each kind Beings that are on the earth and yoke with my permission. "Then pour out from the sky and crush from the earth of the great and violent waters In the blink of an eye has become a great flood sweeping across towns and villages Inundating the lowlands and the high ones until they reach the top Hills so there is no shelter from the great flood except the ship Noah's prophet is fully loaded with believers and spouses who are Saved by Noah by Allah.

With the accompaniment of "Bismillah majraha wa mursaha" ship the ship of Noah with his speed Along the sea of ​​water, against the sometimes gentle wind and sometimes Ferocious and noisy. On the right-hand side of the ship were the unbelievers struggling against A mountain of rising waters trying to save themselves from a deadly grip
Already willing to pounce on them in the folds of the waves. When Noah was on the deck of the ship watching the weather and looking around The unbelievers of his people are lying on the surface of the water, all of a sudden
He saw the body of his eldest son named "Kan'aan" drowning Played by a wave of no mercy to those who are
Is receiving the judgment of God. At that moment, without realizing it, there arose a sense of love and A father's affection for his natural sons who are in a state Anxious to face death by the waves. Noah's prophet spontaneously, encouraged by his small conscience shouting with all his might His voice called his son: O my son! Come here and combine yourself With your family. Reprove thee and believe in God for thee Survived and protected from the danger of death that you are serving God's punishment. "Kan'aan, Son of Noah, who was lost and was exposed to the poison of seduction of sedition and sedition His arrogant and stubborn people strongly rejected calls and vocations His father who loved him with opposing words: "Let me and Go away, stay away from me, I will not take refuge on the deck of your ship I will be able to Saving myself by taking refuge on a hill that would not be reached By this flood. "Noah replied: "Believe that the only place that can save You are joining us on this ship. No period will be available To escape from the punishment of this inflicted God except those who To gratify His mercy and forgiveness. "After the Prophet Noah uttered his words drowned Kan'aan by the waves Who was vicious and vanished from his father's eyes, slipping under the sea The waters follow his friends and the officials of his disobedient people.

Noah sad grieved and mourn over the death of his son in a pagan state is not Have faith and do not know God. He sighed and called out to God: "Yes My Lord, my son is my flesh and my blood is part of My family and indeed your promise is true promise and you are the Most Judge The Most Powerful. "To Allah said:" O Noah! Indeed he is Your son is not of your family, for he has departed from your teaching, Break your command to refuse your da'wah and follow in the footsteps of the unbelievers Your clan.Coretlah his name from your family list.Only those who have accepted Your da'wah follow your path and believe in Me you can enter and Class into the ranks of your family that I have promised his protection And guarantees the salvation of his soul. As for those who deny your message, Denied your preaching and has followed his lust and demands, surely They will perish for the punishment I have determined even though they are At the top of the mountain. Then do not ask about something occasionally
You do not know. I warn you not to belong inward Group of people who ****. "

Noah's Prophet awakened immediately after receiving a reprimand from Allah that his love affection To his son has made him forget the promises and threats of God against The infidels including his own son. He was aware that he was lost in his time Calling his son to save him from the flood-driven disaster The feeling of the blood instinct that connects him with his son when it should be Love and obedience to God must precede love to families and possessions. He Deeply regrets his negligence and negligence and faces God begging Forgiveness and maghfirahnya by exclaiming: "O my Lord I take refuge in you from The cursed temptation of shaitan, forgive my negligence and negligence that I am Asking something I did not know. O my Lord if You do not Give mercy and maghfirah and lower mercy for me, nescaya me be People who lose. "After the flood reached the peak of its ferocity and was destroyed by the people of Noah Unbelievers and wrongdoers according to the will and the law of God, the sea of ​​water is absorbed by the earth Then the Noah's ship stood on the "Judie" hill with God's command
To Noah: "Descend Noah to your land and the believers Accompanied you safely overflowing barakah and inayah from my side for you and for The people who are with you. "The story of Noah in the Qur'an The Qur'an tells the story of Noah in 43 verses from the 28 chapters among which surah Noah From verse 1 to 28, also in sura "Hud" verse 27 so that 48 tells the story Noah's dialogue with his people and shipbuilding orders and the state of the flood
Overwrite them.

Teaching From The Story of Noah A.S. Relationship between humans who are established because of the bonds of equality Belief or naming aqidah and establishment is tighter and more memorable Relationships due to blood or birth bonds. Kan'aan who though he is Is the son of Noah, by Allah s.w.t. Removed from family numbers

His father because he adheres to beliefs and religions as opposed to what he embraces And preached by his own father, even he was on the hostile side and Against it. So in this sense can be understood the word of God in the Koran which Means: "The believers are indeed brothers." Similarly hadith Rasulullah s.a.w.yang means: "It is not perfect a person's faith except if he Loving his believer as he stalks himself. "Also A proverb that reads: "Sometimes you get a brother who does not Born by your mother. 

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